Tuesday, 17 August 2021

My HNG Zuri Internship goals


Hi guys,

I'm Fidelis, a fresh graduate with interest in coding and programming. Having an intermediate skill in Python programming for data analysis, i felt delighted when a friend introduced me to Zuri Internship Program as this would help me in my career development.


Link to the internship program: https://internship.zuri.team


My Goals for this internship includes: 

- Becoming a Back end developer. This I will achieve through mastering other popular back end languages like NodeJS, PHP, Go etc.

- Improve my resume/ curriculum vitae (CV) through adding my learned works and practicals to my Github portfolio.

- I also would have connected and networked with like minds in the program. This including building a strong mentor-mentee relationship.

- Finally improve my confidence level and expertise to tackle complex projects thereby increasing my chances to land a good and satisfying tech job.

Attached are beginners video tutorials for: 

Designing with Figma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6rQFP9zCAM

Github https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGOj5yH7evk

Python https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfscVS0vtbw

Monday, 18 May 2015

How to Overcome Sexual Pressure

“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers”. Psalms 1:1
What is Pressure?
Pressure can simply be defined as ‘the force or influence that cannot be avoided’.
Then what is sexual pressure? It is a condition or situation where is person is under strong influence to give in to sexual temptation or manipulation.
Sexual pressure (S.P) is the main pitfall behind every sexual struggle.
Sexual pressure has led many into sexual defeat, addiction, bondage and destruction.
Many have lost their pride, dignity and integrity by giving in to sexual manipulation and seduction.
God has given every person in this world ‘Will Power’ in order to handle the pressure of our human emotions.
People who allow their emotion to control them are people tend to suffer from sexual pressure.
Strong people control their emotion; weak people allow their emotion to remote them.
The Spirit of Compromise

This spirit is the major force that causes people to succumb to sexual pressure.
The spirit of compromise brings false assumption and presumption.
It makes to belief a lie. Compromise works in partnership with deception.
Compromise makes us to undermine Word of God and follow our feelings or reasoning.
Let us learn some powerful lessons from the life of Joseph who also faced sexual pressure but refuse to compromise his belief and stand…and he overcame!
The Joseph’s Encounter
“Then after a time his master’s wife cast her eyes upon Joseph; and she said,
Lie with me.
But he refused, and said to his master’s wife, See here, with me in the house my master has concern about nothing; he has put all that he has in my care.
He is not greater in this house than I am; nor has he kept anything from me except you, for you are his wife. How then can I do this great evil and sin against God?
She spoke to Joseph day after day, but he did not listen to her, to lie with her or to be with her.
Then it happen about this time that Joseph went into the house to attend to his duties, and none of the men of the house were indoors.
And she caught him by his garment saying, lie with me! But he left his garment in her hand and fled and got out (of the house)”
--Genesis 39:7-12, AMP
There is no excuse why we fall into sexual temptation. We can resist because God has put in us grace, wisdom and power to handle every situation of sexual pressure. Learn from Joseph. You too can overcome.
Joseph’s Wisdom for Living the Overcoming Life:
• Learn to say no to sex immoral temptations.
• When sex temptations persists, let your refusal and stubbornness also persist.
• Staying away or avoiding that person who is asking for immoral sex is a good way of reducing and overcoming the tension or fear of falling victim.
• You must learn to understand your boundaries like Joseph—sex immorality is no go area!
• Joseph quickly recognizes a sexual doorway when he found himself alone with a strange seductive woman. What does he do? He fled!
We must follow Joseph footstep if we want to inherit the Kingdom of Christ and fulfill our divine destiny.
“Submit yourself therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” James 4: 6
Also, there are some words of advice I want to share with you that we help you overcome.
 Do not think you stand, lest you fall. Flee is the solution to sexual temptation.
 Do not think of yourself to be something when you are nothing. Humility is a protector.
Do not seduce or manipulate someone to lust after you
 Do not take pride in saying ‘I am strong’.
 Do not deliberately put yourself in a situation that brings sexual temptation.
 You must not abuse the Grace of God in your life through careless and carefree living.
 You must learn to value highly what you have in Christ lest you lose it.
Keep yourself for your Life Partner. Your body is the most valuable gift offering to the one you love.
You must have respect for your natural body chemistry, hormones, organism, passion and feelings. If you ignore them they will betray you.
You must follow the voice of God when He instructs you on what not to do and where not to go. Disobedience brings destruction.
Live in freedom and victory today…
May God release the grace of Joseph into your life from today in order to live in victory and dominion…
Rufus Yamoah
Sex Morality Counselor

Sunday, 7 December 2014


YOUTH AND SEXUAL MORALITY: The Truth About Quick Sex: “For their feet run to do evil…” (Proverbs 1:16a)                                                                  The Concept of ‘...

Friday, 11 April 2014


Pornography, or rather ‘porn’ as it is commonly called, is the act of viewing pictures/videos of naked people for the sake of satisfying your sexual desire.
In our world today, the pornography business industry has become a boom and it is really making a lot of entrepreneurs and business people millionaires, not minding the lives they are destroying in the process.
This is a painful truth you don’t want to hear: “Every porn video or picture you watch you are directly or indirectly transferring money to someone. You are making people rich while you destroy yourself in the process.
Let’s face it…
GSM pornography?
Does it really matter?
Of all forms of pornography, GSM or Mobile pornography is by far the most common type of pornography we have seen in this sexual infested society we live in.
A painful report states that, 7 out of every 10 young adult will possess a nude or half-nude picture in his/her mobile device.
Today the Christian youths are not exempted. In fact it is now common that when a preacher is speaking the word of God in the church, you see young people browsing through their phones viewing pornographic materials.
Listen, this issue is so clear. You that is reading this article now, would you confidently say you don’t have any sexual or pornographic picture or video in that your phone?
If you think I am joking on this matter, just call for a youth meeting and ask everyone to submit their phones for what I called ‘Mobile Porn Evaluation’. You will be shock to see that even those so-called Holy Ghost filled brethren and heaven-bound saints are also flying high on the wings of pornography.
Some few years ago, God gave me a powerful discovery and insight about a man and his mobile device.
He said “our phones represent a very important part of our life—who we are and what we represent”. He said “He will judge our actions, our words, but He will also judge every activity we engage in with our phones.”
A lot of people see pornography as part of civilization and human freedom of expression.
People who claim that pornography is OK as long as you don’t engage in sexual intercourse know nothing about sex and sexuality.
One fat truth you must grab is that: Sexuality is beyond sexual intercourse.
Jesus made this point clear (see Matthew 5:27-28) that if you looks at a woman lustfully (having desire to have sex with her) you have committed adultery in the heart.
Pornography is a sexual sin of the eyes that goes in to pollute, corrupt and destroy the heart and mind.
Mobile Porn is the number one enemy of the mind. It defiles the mind and fills it with sexual thoughts and desires.
Your mind is a very important part of our whole being. A healthy mind will produce a healthy life.
God also want you to serve Him daily with your mind (see Matthew 22:37).
Please, I have an idea for you. Let us all engage in what a called ‘Mobile Sanctification’. It is time to clear from your mobile device every virus that is corrupting your mental system.
A pornographic mind is a deformed mind. It cannot function at divine capacity. It cannot reach a place of perfection, acceptability and goodness.
Please ask yourself the question: “Of what right do I have to look at someone else nakedness when is neither your wife nor husband?”
Remember, it was because Ham took pleasure in watching his Father Noah’s nakedness that was while he was cursed.
My dear friends; The secret of ending GSM pornography is not in a special formula or strategy, it is in you. The power lies in your hand. No one can help you but yourself.
It is a matter of personal decision, determination and self discipline. It is said that ‘where there is a Will, there is a Way.
Change your mindset and make a resolution to quit this dirty and immoral practice, and you will receive divine support from your God.
You will make it.
Rufus Yamoah
Sex Morality Counselor

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

BBM on Gingerbread OS ( Android 2.x.x et al)

If you've been using Android version lower than 4.0 and you've been unable to upgrade it to 4+, because of that, you've been unable to install BBM, I think the time has come for you to smile a little bit because BBM is coming to Gingerbread OS. The update was released on their blog and I just can't wait for it to be released for Android 2.3 users. Don't give up on your techno N3 and All Android Phones Restricted to BBM yet, The Time is Near n fast coming..
Download n install d beta now http://adf.ly/d41jl 

Source  www.berryreview.com/2014/01/30/bbm-for-android-gingerbread-2-3-3-leaks-out/